Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tomorrow is a big day, but not the biggest one yet...

It is the night before my egg retrieval and I have a mix of emotions. First, I am so excited that the butterflies I have in my stomach are as bad as the stuffed ovaries. Second, I am nervous about the procedure and praying that all goes well with me. I am afraid of the pain I might have and I am afraid that the eggs wont make great embryos and I won't have any. I wish I didn't worry but I can't help it. Thus far, I have worried for no reason and I hope it stays that way. I was worried about having a man be my Doctor but after much research I chose him because he was the best and that was more important than my modesty. Now, I wish he could be my OBGYN and deliver my baby/babies. I trust him so much and he has been so amazing that I am sad he can't see me through until the end. I wish he could be my everything Doctor. I was worried about all the stims but they didn't hurt that bad. The side effects weren't good but I could do it again although I pray I don't have to. Last night was the worst as far as nerves go, I had to get the hCG shot and that needle is HUGE and it has to go all the way in! It had to go in my butt. I went to sleep early (so I wouldn't have to think about it) and my husband woke me up to give it to me. I had to lean over the bed and stand pigeon toed because it relaxes the glutes. I was so afraid I thought I was going to faint/vomit and I was shaking like a leaf. He pulled down my pants and rubbed the alcohol on my butt and...I didn't feel a thing! Really! I had worked myself up over nothing. I wish all my shots were like that one. My butt feels a little sore today but it isn't bad at all. I don't feel good, but I was able to play with my 9 month old niece for a bit and that made me feel better. I just have a stomach ache. My husband went to go pick up dinner and I will go to sleep early and before I know it, I will have completed my most nerve wracking hurdle and be one step closer to my goal. The time has gone by faster than I thought it would.

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