Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tomorrow is actually the biggest day ever...and I can't wait!

So let's see...I had my egg retrieval on Monday and it went very well. I had a great night sleep on Sunday and I had a dream that my Grandpa (who passed away last year) came to see me and told me "Monday is your day...I will be with you the whole time and everything is going to be great, relax and just be excited because you have good things coming your way!" He also mentioned that he and my dog (who died in March) would be smiling down on me. I woke up feeling excited and all my nerves were gone. I really felt like I had them both with me and it felt good. I arrived at the Doctor's at 9:00 am. I filled out some paper work and then they took me in the back to get prepped for the procedure. I changed into a gown , booties and a hair cover. They walked me into the room where I would have the procedure and I got onto the bed and met the most amazing anesthesiologist. She was so nice and funny and asked me a couple of questions. She put a band around my arm and I turned my head and I asked what my blood pressure was and she said she hooked me up to the IV. I didn't even feel it! I thought she was taking my blood pressure! I wish my blood tests would be that easy! My Doc came in to say hello and that he was going to scrub in and then I fell asleep. Next thing I know, I wake up in recovery and yell out, "How many eggs?" They got 10! We had two party crashers! Two surprise eggs! 7 of them were mature and they all fertilized! They called us the next morning before 9:00 am to tell us that they were looking really good! When I woke up in recovery I had some heat packs on my stomach. I had some discomfort, enough that I couldn't move around.. but it only lasted until last night. I have some mild spotting and bad bloating but knowing that I have 7 thriving embabies makes it all so worth it! I stayed in bed all day yesterday because my stomach was hurting. It wasn't like period cramps and I didn't have any was like pressure/constipation/sever gas pain kind of feeling. I have had to take some laxatives because I didn't go...but I got some sweet relief this morning!
Today I moved around and got out of the house a bit. I treated myself to some new comfy PJs for my bed rest, had lunch with my sister in law, and put together some really nice gift baskets for the Doctor and his nursing staff. I am so grateful for them and how they have treated me throughout this whole process. I felt more like a personal friend than a patient and they let me trust them without feeling concerned that they were "in it for the money" I always felt they truly cared for my well being and hoped the best outcome for us. Started the vaginal suppositories today and yuck! Me no likey! Constant wetness and diaper rash?

So...tomorrow is the transfer day and I cant freaking wait! I will also get to see pictures of all my little cool! Monday WAS my day...but tomorrow...OUR day.

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